Oxygen Analyzer

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OXY600 Oxygen Monitor Overview:

The OXY600 oxygen monitor is designed to monitor oxygen concentrations in industrial applications such as continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) and process control. It has been given a ruggedized design (IP65 protection) allowing it to operate under tough conditions in aggressive flue gas environments. Measurements are made using the well-established zirconia (zirconium dioxide) sensor principle where a difference of oxygen concentration across a solid electrolyte causes an electric current to flow. The current is detected and amplified, yielding the oxygen concentration. It’s a proven and reliable measurement principle.


  • Zirconium Dioxide Technology
  • High Accuracy Linear Output
  • Configurable Outputs: 4-20mA And 0-10Vdc Or RS232 Comms Interface
  • Output Measuring Ranges: 0-25% O₂
  • Can Be Calibrated In Fresh Air (20.7% O₂) Or In Any Other Known O₂ Concentration
  • Housed In A Sealed Die-Cast Aluminium Housing With Attached Oxygen Sensor Probe And Amphenol Ecomate Connector
  • Works At Temperatures From -100 To 600⁰C
  • Various Probe Lengths Available

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